Sunday, October 02, 2005

Food for thought

The day began more than 14 hours ago. An odyssey marked with me waking up on cheap Berber carpet with an extremely low thread count in an abandoned apartment situated in the depths of redneck country and northern Mexico. Unfortunately, I was not drunk or wasted; I was in perfect sanity as I made the transformation from white trash living to upper lower class accommodations.

For months now my significant other and I have parked our $40,000 vehicles underneath a falling maple tree and next door to a schizophrenic methamphetamine pusher. The picturesque white trash living; a $15,000-$20,000 shanty with a stray cat in a cat cage on the front porch, and a hot pink "No trespassing" sign in the front window, compliments of the previous tenants that caught the kitchen on fire attempting to brew some homemade ice. A combination that wreaks catastrophe; fire and crank. Hunter S. Thompson would be proud or probably a part of the action.

When the $6,000 couch was placed in its new home I discovered on the floor a penny heads up. I made my wish- the standard "a flight in an Extra 300 s with Charlize Theron as my co-pilot"-and proceeded with my duties for the afternoon. I jumped in the Rambler I borrowed from my mother to move the furniture and started cruising south, the pedal to the metal, only producing a meager 55 mph quit literally. On the way, my Polo khaki shorts ruined because of the Duck tape on the bench that keeps the springs from poking through.

I step back into my shanty for only a few more hours and the contents of my pocket traverse to the considerably low thread count Berber carpet that covers the floorboards. At this moment my curiosity was ignited. In the contents of my pocket- what a wonderful song title- I discover 2 dimes and 5 pennies, 2 of which are heads up. This was my revelation.


Or does it have to be dropped by some other creature and later discover by yet another creature????

Hypothesis: If you discover a penny heads up you will only acquire good luck if that penny is novel to you. Being a theoretical physicist at heart, I've begun contemplating the many fascinating experiments to test my hypothesis. The first involves a character such as myself- handsome, debonair, intelligent, and ripped like the Governor of California- walking about downtown New York dropping pennies and then monitoring each individual that picks up a heads up penny to visualize the wonderful luck created in their life. Now before I begin there is only one conundrum to this scenario. There is no way to monitor each individual simultaneously. So I must adapt and move to a more logical experiment.

And here it is; I myself will walk around and drop a penny from my own pocket. Then only pick up the ones that land heads up. I estimate that would have to occur approximately 10,000 times in order to have an adequate sample size. The cost of the experiment is minimal; only one cent. I have estimated I will only need one penny for the experiment. My results will be entered into my work computer. The electricity will be acquired from work. The rewards to me from this experiment will be improvement in lower extremity and lower back muscle tone; increase in cardiovascular stamina; and the exercise will help keep my bowels regular. If my hypothesis is not disproved, I may even become the next Power Ball winner.

Once I'm finally settled into my humble abode, I will proceed with this experiment. For the details on how your can increase your chance of winning the lottery with a mile walk each day and picking up heads up pennies as you go, keep checking back. As for now, Da svidaniya -- Pratti!